harry potter spell and charms

Harry Potter Spells Letter - V

Ventus Spell Shoots a gust of wind from wand (video

Ventus Duo Spell Stronger than Ventus

Vera Verto Spell turns animals into water

Verdillious Spell Causes wand to burn like a sparkler

and damage foe (Trading Card Game)

harry potter spell aberto

Harry Potter Spells Letter - U

Unbreakable Vow Spell If you break the vow you make,
you die

harry potter spell avada kedavra

Harry Potter Spells Letter - T

Tarantallegra Spell Forces opponent to dance

Tentaclifors Jinx Gives victim a tentacle head (Lego
Video Games)

Tergeo Spell Cleans up messes

Titillando Hex Tickles target and weakens (Card Game)

harry potter spell accio

Harry Potter Spells Letter - S

Salvio Hexia Spell Protection against hexes

Scourgify Charm A Cleaning Charm

Scurge Charm Destroys the remains of ghosts (Video

Specialis Revelio Spell Reveals Hidden secrets or
magical properties

Spongify Charm Softens things (Video Games and
Card Game)

Steleus Hex Makes victim sneeze for a period (video

Stinging Jinx Jinx Makes victim feel stinging and get a


harry potter spell riddikulus

ALL Harry Potter Spells Letter - R

Redactum Skullus Hex Shrinks Heads (Lego Video

Reducio Spell Returns items to original size. Counters

Reducto Spell Blasts solid objects aside

Relashio Spell Releases user from binding

Rictusempra Charm Tickles opponent

Riddikulus Spell Use this spell and laugh to defeat a


harry potter spells and charms

Harry Potter Spells Letter – P

Pack Spell Packs a trunk (suitcase)

Partis Temporus Spell causes a gap in charmed barriers

Periculum Spell Makes fireworks from the wand tip

Permanent Sticking Charm Causes items to permanently

stick to things

harry potter spells stupefy

ALL Harry Potter Spells Letter - O

Oculus Reparo Spell Repairs Eyeglasses

Obliteration Charm Removes things like footprints

Obliviate Charm Erases memories

Obscuro Spell Blindfolds the victim

Oppugno Spell Makes conjured items attack

Orbis Jinx Sticks the target into the ground (video

Orchideous Spell Conjures a bunch of flowers

harry potter spell and charms